fredag 12 november 2010

Hi Sandra!

I guess that you're the only one who read this so this update i devote to you.
Hi Sandra this time i'm just gonna say thank you for this week and i'll see you next week!

lördag 9 oktober 2010

Now that suck!

Finally weekend! This weekend may be soon over but it's been real nice! :D :D :D Well the week in school has been lazy! that's about it, thxcyabb

lördag 2 oktober 2010

Rock On!!

'zup? I'm now bsck for another update! Sandra i'm hope damn happy now :D this sure is a waist of time!! pusshej!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

torsdag 30 september 2010

About england

Harry Potter

Harry potter is a story written by J.K Rowling, It’s a story written in 7 pieces.
The first book came out 1997 and the last book came out 2007.
All the books were a big success and are translated to 63 other languages and have soled more than 300 million copies all over the world.
After the great success of the books they started to make movies, the first movie
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone came out 2001 four years after the first book.

Harry is a brave boy and with his friends Hermione and Ron they try to survive all among they fight at big snakes and Voldemort.
Harrys parents died when he was a little kid they were killed by Voldemort, he tried to kill Harry as well but harry only got a little scar formed as a lightning and Voldemort got weak and disappeared.
But all among the story goes on Voldemort turns up and try to kill Harry but he can’t make it, In the last movie that came out Harry Potter and the half-blood prince they try to find away to kill Voldemort but Harrys worst enemy at the school kills Dumbledore Harrys principal that helped him with the fight.

According to the publishing house the book is written for kids 10 to 15 years old but Rowling says that she haven’t written the book to a special age.
In my own opinion all ages watch the movie it may be just so their kids can watch the movies but I think they love the movie just as much as their kids do.
I started to read the books but then I realized that I can watch the movies instead I don’t get as much information of what happens but I can read the books some other time.

fredag 24 september 2010


It's Friday! So here you got some music to listen on and enjoy your friday!

onsdag 22 september 2010

I'm Back!

My teacher complains that i don't update, So now i'm back for another update.
This week sucks i've been in school all week and what hav i done? Nothning at all!!!!!
It's so god damn boring!!
Well that's just about it.
I'm Out

Look it up